Thursday, January 20, 2011


 The other day I watched the season finale of Misfits.  It's a show based in " " about these kids that have to do community service but are caught in a storm that gives them each a special power, and they have these little encounters with other people who were caught up on the storm that also have a special power. It's very funny. The first episode alone, had me lmao. Here's a little picture I made out of screen caps from my favorite scene. 

Now that I've finished with that show and The L Word, I think the next show I'll finish or at least get up to date with is Degrassi. I was up to date for a while but, then idk what happened. Then after that I can finish Weeds. I've seen season 1 and season 5...idk why so far apart. But, yes. Or I could just watch a bunch of episodes of the IT crew and AbFab. I love those shows. 

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