Saturday, November 13, 2010

Simple craft with a little chit chat

So I made the little decoration I was talking about. Here is a tutorial on how to make it.

1 balloon
1 bowl 
1 cup of water
1 cup of flour
Some news paper.

Step one:
Google how to make paper mâché.

The rest:
Once you're done and ready to go. Cut some "half circles" into your newspaper. This is a picture of a half circle.  
Start at the bottom of your mold and glue the half circles so that they form a faint circle. Rounded side facing each other. Then repeat. Remember, they must cover up the flat edge, except at the very top. When you're done it'll look something like this.

And that's it!

 Ahh, sorry I'm being such a lay blogger. I'm still new to this, so bare with me. 

Chit Chat
joe: (1:00:43 AM) maggie posted this just now on my facebook wall

regina: (1:00:59 AM) AWWWWWWW
regina: (1:01:04 AM) that's sweet!
regina: (1:01:08 AM) ...and a little creepy
regina: (1:01:14 AM) but mostly sweet

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