Tuesday, February 8, 2011

First day of work

 My goodness, it was not what I expected at all. The only actual work we did yesterday wasn't hard at all but, it was at the end of the day and I already had a headache by that time and it was getting difficult to stay up but, it was fine. But today I'm not making the same mistakes.

  • find ipod and charge it up (put songs that will keep me up)
  • bring warmer sweater (IT GETS COLD AT NIGHT)
  • take out all junk from bag
  • prepare snacks & food for lunch
  • look for pain killers
  • put gloves in purse
  • wear comfortable shoes
  • learn to draw self, better

1 comment:

Jazzy E (Hivenn) said...

So cute. You beat me hands down at drawing. I once drew my best friend and she thought it was a plant . . . x hivennn